Busy fool

8 years, 1 month ago by bhaktanicasio in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Beloved Gurudev,

Please accept my humble obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Here we are fighting our Kuruksetra. This blog is a wonderful Sadhu Sanga.

I just read the letter from Aja Govinda Prabhu, and realized the same is happening to me. He wrote:

"A few days ago it dawned on me that I was postponing my service to Krsna. I kept making promises to him that once I have a permanent assistant professorship job, I will start a preaching center or temple in whichever city or town I am in. But then I realized, that I cannot postpone it. My greatest fault is postponing the important tasks, paying useless attention to meaningless issues, mismanaging my priorities, and most importantly I lack time (and money) management. Time management, especially or particularly in my sadhana and money management in terms of not wasting money in material things and using money to serve Krsna. Instead of setting aside time for japa, kirtan, reading Prabhupada's books, engaging in the tasks which will liberate me, I focus on the temporary only. And the reason for this is my attachment to fulfillment of my desires. I am so attached egoistically to certain perceptions of me and others' perception of me, that I give all my mind's attention to only this, instead of internal development. "

This year was particularly intense, house building, applying for a job at the university, my job, started a relationship with a lady, uff. Although i feel good cause i'm about to move into a devotee's community where i will be able to attend morning program everyday and i got a job as a professor at med school, which will allow me to improve my sankirtan, my sadhana was seriously disturbed. As a result of that then the mind starts wondering, comparing your life with other devotees life, lack of enthusiasm for spiritual practice and an emptyness sensation.

We know nothing is worthy without 16r/4p, but we fail again and again.

I was meditating on this, "Why you are extremely busy all the time?"   The only conclusion we can make, is that is a psychologic issue, something rooted in our mind.

We are seeking for a lazy intelligent life. But for the time coming we make this vow, starting from january 1st:

Chant 12 rounds before breakfast (9 am), 4 rounds before lunch (1 pm) and 4 extra rounds (to repay my debt) before dinner 9 ( pm). As top priority agenda. And report every sunday to this blog.

Blessings please,

Your fallen, very fool and busy aspiring disciple,

Nikunja Bihari das.

HpS - ASA --  BHISMA!!!    A powerful vow!   The gods tremble!!  But so nice also... and really so simple.    Just a matter of priority and then I sure you will see immediately that it is the best, best thing to do!!!     See you Sunday, January 7th.