Dear maharaj Hare Krishna

8 years, 1 month ago by David Leyton in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Goura nitay

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories for you maharaj

Hare Krishna,

I’m David Leyton. I’m from Santiago of Chile. Please accept my humble reverence. Please, forgive me for my affront because of my ignorance.

I’m working for a collection agency that serves banks. I’ve been working here for three years and this has helped me to pay my economic hardship.

I’m fulfilling the four principles, I chant sixteen Japas every day and serve on Prabhupada’s festivity in Iskcon Temple on Fridays.

In March, my wife and I decided to hold a Bakhti Vriksa in our flat. Unfortunately, it didn’t work. We were inviting people during four months, but we only had two meetings. After winter, I gave up and resolved to put off the meetings as soon as I have the chance to do them again.

Some time ago, I met Jagannatha Caran Das, Prya Sakhi’s husband and we agreed to send you my recommendation documents, so I could start my initiation in 2017. I’m very interested and excited about it because I know that this will let me to have a better quality of life and to start a family. This is a very important step because I’ve gone through hard times to have a spiritual life and Krishna Consciousness has given me all support I needed. I know that because of Krishna’s, Prabhupada’s and your blessing I can move forward in a secure, honest and protected way.

Please, could you tell me what you think about me? Do you think I’m ready to start my initiation?

HpS - Basically if you can chant 16-enthusiatic rounds a day and follow the four principles strictly with good relations with you local Temple community, and as far as you can ascertain, you can do this for the rest of your life, then, yes, you are ready to become a formal student, initiated, in the Bhaktivedanta School of Love of God. Yes, you may have doubts about your ability to follow forever if you encounter surprises from THE WITCH. That's O.K. If you have been able to do it for at least six months and that leads you to think that you can do it the rest of your life then you seem ready for Hari-nama Diksa.

Regarding my wife, she supports me in my spiritual path and she is really happy about it. She’s an English teacher; she teaches communicational English and this year she got a Master Degree in English Linguistics.

Now, she’s reading the book “Ramakatha” by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and she’s listened to some parts of the book during some classes in the temple. But she’d like to know if this is a reliable source and if there are Phrabupada’s books about Lord Rama’s or Shiva’s pastimes.

ASA -  very nice.

Thank you Maharaj for giving me this beautiful opportunity to communicate with you, for advising me and encouraging me during the hard times that I’ve lived.

Your servant,
David Leyton, Haribol Maharaj

HpS - They all become our great asset as we advance in Krsna consciousness. What do you think of this verse: ?