Few realization while doing Book Distribution

8 years, 1 month ago by msrinu in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Please Accept My Humble Obeisance, All Glories To Srila Prabhupada and Gavranga.

I want to share few experiences during the recent book distributions. For the past three weeks leading/participating the December Month “book Marathon” and so many wonderful experiences. Realized many things, which I was never understood before, no matter how much I read. Earlier, I was always in some sort of anxiety about how many books I can distribute and how much I collect etc. Recently mind is very calm, even if the books are not going and people are just brushing me off. This kind calmness never felt before. Before I start, I will tell myself, this is for Krishna and Prabhupada and all I have to do is go there and stand with a book in hand. (Earlier I thought of that with my Intelligence I am distributing these books).

Just wants to share one experience (out of many wonderful), Earlier nobody showed interest in NOI, we weren’t taking these books out side for distribution – it’s my ignorance), but this time (after your class during Richmond Trip) I took few of the books and displayed on the table. Last week I was sincerely thinking, is there a single one at least take interest in this book. To my surprise, one person came (as soon as I thought) and introduced himself that, he is from Bengal. And I asked about “Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu” and he mentioned, he is familiar and asking for Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s books. Then I showed NOI and told about “Rupa Goswami” written this after Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s teachings. He immediately took the book and gave $20.00 and he refused to take any other book even I offered for free.

And also realized “Without scarifies or leaving the comfort zone” devotional service means not much. Slowly understanding the “purpose of getting up early, sincere chanting, going out for Krishna” makes so much difference in consciousness, so much mental peace – never felt before.

And also saw your calendar, so much travel, please be healthy.


-Subala Sakha Das (Richmond, VA)

HpS - Jaya!   Very important comments for all the Sankirtan movement!  Hari-lila Das from Houston will join the Wednsday night Bhakti Sastri workshop while we are gone. He is retired structual engineer. His company did about 55% of the high-rises in Houston.

Very nice person.

Chapter Two.

We will see you soon.