Long, very busy, very productive day.
We Texted Yuddhiasthira Govinda Das in Delhi and he CALLED us right back. We talked very practically about organizing the NIOS visit to Delhi, 31st-4th of January. NIOS has such opportunities to develop now. Will you help? Push the June Symposium in Peru, magazine.
Organizing the visit to Houston. Candra mukhi DD arrives in a few hours.
So, many things.
Now is 9-minutes to sundown. Cloudy all day. 40-degree F.
Quick bath and go visit Radha Natabara and NGD and Matajis with Bh. Daniel.
oH! Tommorrow is Odana sasti. Vyasapuja of B. S. Damodara Swami, anniversary of HpS Sannyasa, and Tirobhava Festival for Sriman Raktaka Das. Maybe we do online program tommorrow night. Watch for Tweet, and here.