Manonatha Prabhu x Cakori Prabhu - Comes Now the Defendant

8 years, 1 month ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna,
Esteemed Manonatha Das, Cakori-radha DD Prabhus,
Whatever is sent us in these matters is public amongst our friends. I've just made that decision as a Sannyasi. Here is Cakori's reponse to us and I hope she sent a copy to you, Manonatha Das. Details beyond this I don't know. The question would be, did she take money that went to the Developer, then take 2%, and contribute ton of work, and then the current relation is between you, Manonatha Das and the Developer.

O.K.   Her comment is in the letter below and I will publish in our Blog also so everyone has had there say in this.

See you all  in Delhi 1st January maybe.


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From: Carolina Madera <cakori@...
To: HpS
Sent: Saturday, December 3, 2016 9:55 AM
Subject: Re: Regarding Cakori Radha

All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Dear Guru Maharaja
Manonath Maharaja
Please accept my obeisances,
I have very little knowledge about what is been talk in vrindavan, since I had to shift to Delhi due to work.
I had a nervous beack down a comple of months ago due to external factors  (not eating well, long travels and little sleep) since then my husband has taken my phone and media usage.
First I would like to make clear that to the only person I have talk about any of anything to do with manonath maharaja is a disciple of gurupasad swami, Parameshvari devi dasi, not even my husband! she is a nice person. I, under my knowledge have never said anything about sexual exploitations. The only coment I ever maid was that, I thought I should not have so much contact with a maharaja. Specially when my intelligence told me that to. Though I explained her that I did felt ofended by the statement that she said maharaja said that I took advantage of maharaja financially.
I did a couple of sales (3) in vrindavan to different people and I charge 2% of the value of the property including 40.000 of inscription to everyone . Beyond the 40.000 of inscription owner has to pay the rest.
So I sold the property and got a really good price for him + extra square meters,    Usually the properties are ready, so I offer myself to help finish the 2 flats, because they where not finished. And  I did help, more than 2 months (almost 3) supervising. Going 4 days a week with money of my pocket. I bought the tiles doors, change the doors when they broke, (do to some weather conditions) The only things I left without making was to put the AC and installing the fan (that I bought),  but the flats where  ready, finished . At this point I start working in delhi from 8 to 8 and I couldn't and didn't wanted to continued. I return parameshari 3.000 that I got left from the 18.000 that maharaja ledt for expenses.  But I fail to give her the 7 fans. Due to multiple reasons, one of them an internal fight I had with her.
So the fana are in the house of a devotee in vrindavan, Where I left also a cople of things.
I don't have parameshvari's phone number, and I don't want to talk with her also. So I left it for tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow and it never came.
I offer Maharaja through parameshvari to do the inscription of the property with a devotee, Vrindavan das. But according to her, maharaja didn't  wanted to, which I understand.
So honestly I do understand the upsetting of Maharaja. But also I think that I did help plenty and more that what i was supposed to do. To be treated like that for 15.000
I have never acted wrongly,  only when I broke principles with my husband before we where married, but I talk about that with my Guru Maharaja. I do procrastinate things, and it is a big fault that affects other.
So if there is any more information I can help with. But I'm unable to go to vrindavan untill February, because I work all day and take care of my children beside, my husband is outside the country.
And to be Honest Guru Maharaja I did say something to parameshvari in confidential and I told her that it was guhyam akhyati pricchati, but I never said anything bad about maharaja, I only talk about me, my point of view and my perspective about how much a woman should associate with a Guru, and how carefully we have to be. To don't commit ofenses. And i ask her to start helping me finish his apartment, like bringing things upstairs and installing  the AC and fans. So to be clear, I charge him 2% of the value of the property for selling it to him. I did not charge for 3 months of supervision, or buying furniture or mayerials nor the transportation. Maharaja gave me 18.000 for expenses for the apartments and I gave 3.000 to parameshvari that I had left. Remaining is 15.000 that I used to buy the fans + the car I used. I have them in vrindavaan, but I can not give them untill February, but I can transfer the money to parameshvari. 
I hope that I have made this more clear.
Hare Krsna.