AGTSP and YOU!!!
Hare Krsna dear Gurudeva... PAMHO
Here is the report ...
Fisrt, i have to say that back to usual sadhana will take some time but we are very enthusiastic and positive...
Since the last letter i planned many things but at the end i had to keep what i really can do ... So until this last EKADASI I have been chanting 6 rounds a day, reading Srimad Bhagavatam and worshipping deities... To be honest it took a lot of effort at the beginning .... Aristotle said: "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." So we are trying to be fixed.
HpS - ASA - The Black Witch is NOT happy with you!
Our plan is to increase 2 rounds each ekadasi... so this Saturday (Nov 26th) we started chanting 8 rounds... Of course this is just a plan... i have to see how things go in order to not fail again... I want to keep things sane and back to 16 rounds but naturally...
thanks a lot for all your support and patience...
your servant
Patraka Das
HpS -- Raktak Das has gone, next Patraka Das, then Citraka Das? If we are trying to follow Srila Prabhupada's instruction: 16-nice rounds, 4-principles strictly etc... Then he is trying to catch hold of our hands and pull us out of this Samsara.
Do you want to be rich?
Do you want fame and friends?
But in Vrndavana all these things see their highest, pure end.
We are struggling just like you. Most likely you are more sincere than we are. Sadhana leads to Karma-yoga. You can get your secular Karma connected to Krsna! Zoooooom!!!!!