Hare Krsna!
Another ordinary day in hell/heaven. First we got up a little late, 3.24AM from fasting, nirjal, ekadasi. Then wonderful, wonderful, FMP. Then call from Australia: Raktaka Das has found his place in the heavens.
Then some preaching left and right by the phone.
We worked hard on correcting our Bh. Vai., Pada-padma tests and it is a lot of work. It forces us to refresh our own memory of the First Two Cantos. It is like waking up your heart to real life again. I guess it won't be an academic exercise in the future, it will just be a part of our home town.
Hair cutting (every dvadasi only).
Now it is 7.01PM. We recorded another song. We Tweet the links. It is essential for us. We are alone here in Murfreesboro. It is an extremely depressing, grey, light industrial, low-income shopping mall area and the surrounding houses for lower income people.
It is very, very good in some ways. There is no stimulation for material enjoyment. Usually Dr. Desai, Visnu-carana's family, NGD, are all here, but they start coming back on Sunday. Even still that doesn't solve the onological loneliness. Having nice house, car etc. only stimulates the mind and senses in crazy ways unless either the poverty or opulence is related to Krsna.
The only reason to do austerity is to get closer to Krsna. He is the only person who is an independent enjoyer.