
8 years, 3 months ago by Janard1108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj


I thought I best update you as to what is happening in my world.

I am now working with Adi Kesava Prabhu (the same Swissman from Chile) three days a week at Food for Life in Brisbane whilst looking for legal work part-time (there may be a development in that department there soon also).

We are also now doing a 'loft' style program there on Friday evenings at 18:00. You may be familiar with the location (Food for Life, 226 Brinswick St, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane). Its a simple program which we inaugerated last Friday 18 November with five visitors, consisting of kirtan, class and prasadam. We will try to get some sannyasis there soon :)

I find it a little much to stay in Brisbane the entire week so I simply commute back to Murwillumbah ISKCON on the weekend for recuperation. 

Otherwise everything is copasetic.

I am looking forward to getting married, I just work out who the bride is going to be :P

HpS - Has she also worked out that you will be the husband?

I very much would like to make it to Mayapur for your sanga but have serious financial commitments with my occupation. Perhaps Krishna will allow anyway.

Your servant,

Janardan-hari das.

HpS - Thank you for the news, thank you for the news, thank you for the news.      So nice to hear from you. Sounds like you are in the totally correct path, it is just a matter of picking ups speed.  See how high your can reach in the nation with your Kirtan. Please offer our respects to Adi-kesava Das. It has been TOO long since we had any contact with him.  We wait for more news!