8 years, 3 months ago by raktak in Personal Sadhana Reports

Respected Guru Maharaj

Please accept my humble obeisances.  All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

I am now in Sriganganagar, here in Internet cafe.  I read most of the stuff on monkeywarrior page, jaya.

I attended Silky's wedding ceremony, it went very well, as you had given your blessings in the beginning when I informed you that I am going for wedding. Children are happy.  Now, I go to Fazilka tomorrow to see big Hanumaan temple and to Ludhiana and then to Vrindavan from 24th Nov to 27th, and then, we fly back to Brisbane. While coming to India, on the way, I visited Kualalumpur temple and we are going to do the same thing on the way back.  I also met with our new god-brother Janardan Hari Das from New Govardhan while I was in Brisbane.

HpS - Jaya!   We remember Silky when she was three feet tall.    Our respects to everyone in your travels.   You say, "We", is A.Priya Devi Dasi et al with you?

While in Brisbane, we did some program in someone's house and 20 copies of Gita were distributed

Everything is going on Ok, 16 rounds done. Please bless us that we take full spiritual benefit of staying in holy dham Vrindavan and do not commit any offense there, thanks a lot.

yours servant,

Raktak Das

HpS - and are you going to take to Vanaprastha and then Sannyasa life?