Kolkata Promotion - Pune

8 years, 1 month ago by hps in Calendar Development

Radhe, Radhe, Hare, Hare!!

Esteemed Mukunda Lila Prabhu and Purushottama Keshava Das et al,

Please accept our humble obeisances and best wishes. We are Hanumatpresaka Swami and NIOS (North American Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies).

Did we meet last time we were in Kolkata?  Of course, we have been little bit successful in organizing programs with National Museum of India in Kolkata, Rabindra Bharati University et al, and now that we are scheduled to be in the glorious city of Kolkata from 9-18 January we are hoping to meet some more scholars and intelligent people to forward our NIOS work, even a little more.

You can see our last effort, an extremely effective international symposium co-sponsored with National Library of Peru, July 2016, in a brief and extended clip at http://www.youtube.com/. Search with the keywords, "psychology and the sacred 2016".

We are publishing journals, bringing in scholars and seeing intense reactions to these ideas by so many people; and we hope that your good selves can join. Who can we meet while we are in Kolkata? Temple members, congregations members, artistic and informed community?

You can call us if needed at +1 209 505 3219.

Of course, all this is in co-ordination with our Commander, Archary ratna Das, but also, of course, he has not got time for details as we do. He also has sufficient funds for any practical expenses for this effort and Bhakti Caru Maharaja is always encouraging us to involve the Temple in these efforts.

Thank you  so much,

Hope to hear from you soon and see you within just seven weeks.

Hanumatpresaka Swami



What about Pune? We could travel to Bombay - Pune on the 1st of February. Fly from Delhi to Pune and then motor to Navi mumbia.  What is a good plan?  On the 8th we go to Kolkata, Mayapura?