Dear Maharaj Hanumat-presaka Swami.
Hare Krsna, my name is Anibal, we met each other in the congress at the outskirts of Santiago, Chile last year. I asked you some foolish questions that were of no relevance to the congress’ topic, but I remember many of your answers and instructions. I´m a student and an addict mrdanga player.
I’m also very passionate for music and my carrier [career ?], always trying ( naturally) to meditate while playing and studying. Meanwhile I keep my sadhana straight, all thoughts flow like a perfect wave. Nonetheless, it’s really easy for me to fall into temptations, so I’m working on it. Well, I hope to keep in touch with you Maharaj and helping you, prabhupada and my soul. My most humble obvidences [obeisances].
HpS - ASA - Awwwk! We don't remember talking to you. You should have written sooner or something. We are like a half deaf, 70-year old donkey, but please use us as you can. Take the time to make nice offerings of food to Krsna and then take the Prasadam. Then it will be easier to avoid all other temptations to stupidity.