Guruji's North East Inia visit (Manipur) from 18th Jan. to 27th Jan.2017

8 years, 2 months ago by mukta singh in Calendar Development


Dandavat pranam Maharaj, 

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Hare Krsna Maharaj, 

I do confirm herewith that all the necessary Air Tickets on the subject tour have already been arranged and sent to you through your email. So, Maharaj, kindly take care and prepare yourself to bear the burden of North East India travel.

We are all eagerly awaiting to have a Darshan of your lotus feet. Kindly shower your mercy upon us the fallen souls.

Thanking you and assuring you of my best cooperation always. 

Your servant, 

Hari dasa, 

Manipur ISKCON, Imphal. 

Date : 16.11.2016.


HpS - ASA -- 2106 nov 17. Hare Krsna, Hari Das Das!    We have only recevied air tickets from Guwahati to Imphal and Imphal to Delhi.   Have you sent air reservations from Kolkatta to ... ?   From there I understand we will be taking ground transport, no?

.....   We checked our Yahoo account again and four more air tickets have just been posted there. We will look at them soon. Now is 3.49AM so we bath and go for Puja and Mangala arati.  That you so much.  Brother Ass, our body, has to "bear" a lot of the burden of this travel. He is almost 70-years old, American, so we will have to make some compensation for him.