We got this letter from the esteemed Vidagdha Das,
Querido Hanumat presaka Swami Maharaj, por favor acepte mis reverencias.
Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.
Deseo se encuentre muy bien de salud.
Le escribo para hacer de su conocimiento que estamos planeando ir a Houston ya hicimos contacto con el presidente del templo y estamos en comunicación, pero aun no está bien claro y quizá ellos tengan dudas acerca de nosotros.
Syamasundar prabhu nos pidió un carta de recomendación suya.
Si es posible y dispone de tiempo podría usted enviársela?
Le agradezco sus atenciones.
Espero tener su asociación muy pronto
A su servicio
Vidagdha das
We answered to him with a copy to Vidagdha Das:
Esteemed Shyama-sundara Das et al,
Paoho. We will see you in about three-weeks. We are coming for Jubilee and Gita Jayanti.
We were asked to write you with a letter of introduction for Vidagdha Das from Mexico. His wife and brother are our initiated disciples, and he is very dear to us as a student also.
Basically we have heard nothing but good things about him and his family for the many, many years that we have been in their association in Mexico. They have been active in managing the Temple Restaurant for years, the Sunday School program, hosting devotees at great personal inconvenience, regulative principles, Japa etc.
We feel that they would be a great, great asset to the Nila-madhava community, Restaurant, School, Sankirtan etc.
If you have any questions then please call us.
Hp Swami.
209 505-3219