Hare Krsna,
Braja-bihari Das told us that Jaga-jivana Das has left his body and gone to Goloka or at least en route to Goloka. It twists our heart to hear this and the more it sinks in the more we feel tortured. We were alone in our trip to India in 1978. Alone in traveling to Jaipur to try and arrange transport of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai from Kalakendra Murti Walla to Berkeley.
Fever, everything.
Then we saw an ISKCON devotee, Sannyasi passing on the road in a rickshaw. We hailed each other in the traffic and then talked and spent time together during the next few days. That was our first encounter with Prabhuji.
Later we began to know him during our work in South America. It seemed that he had left his Ashrama as Sannyasa, and also been removed, and moved out of GBC positions, but was still the Temple President in the little country of Uraguay. We heard that he had some problems with controling anger and had been involved in a few marriage relations, but had strong character in his preaching and administration of his Yatra.
He was an advocate for his national and other ideas on a global level with the GBC. We visited Uraguay and were with him in the programs there. We had a friendly, funny relation.
Later, Prabhuji becamed involved in Peru, and Regional Secretary for Peru and so forth, Member of the Latin American GBC Regional Council etc.
He was always a strong self-reliant person. He married a very nice, Russian devotee and visited the Peru yatra at great personal sacrifice and expense, working on the business and political level, and personal level. His good wife appeared to us to be a greatly stabalizing factor is life and service.
It also seems to us that he was able to re-establish his reputability at the GBC level by this hard and practical work and then was honored to develop a program for educating devotees world-wide in how ISKCON Law works.
Then this heart problem became very bad. He hospitalized and has now left his body.
He was a good man. We are honored that we knew him and hope that this is just one more step in his journey forward for himself and his friends.
HpSwami 2017 Nov 11