Dear Swamiji

8 years, 3 months ago by keninbali in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Swamiji,,

PAMHO, AGTSP. I have been writing to Bhakti Raghava Swami because I am interested in possibly helping with his centre in Cambodia. I speak fairly good Cambodian. He has expressed interest in my he, but he asks that you send him a letter of recommendation about me. Would you be able to write him? 

HpS - Hare Krsna. I don't really know too much about you in this administrative sense. I always find it enlivening corresponding with you and hearing about your pastimes. Devotees there will be able to give better letter about administrative nature of your good self, no?  You were a little bit involved in marriages etc in the past in Thailand or Cambodia, so I can mention that, and the extent to which you were involved in the Indian Jones Rasa before and you can comment how much you are within a regulated standard of Brahminical life now. Shall we do that? His address?

Also Abhimanyu and I realize that as a sansasi [sannyasi] you have many preaching commitments, but we were wondering if you could come to Bali on one of your trips to India or Australia. Devotees here keep asking when you will visit and give us your association.

Your servant


HpS - With every mention it is becoming more of a possibility. Present to like August 2017 is kind of fixed, but after that maybe we could de an Island tour through Hawaii and Australia and Bali etc.  The real thing is if we can really add something by dragging our Donkey there.