Guruji's North East Inia visit (Manipur) from 18th Jan. to 26th Jan.2017

8 years, 3 months ago by mukta singh in Calendar Development

All Glories to Guruji Maharaja, Sripad Maharaja and  A.C.Prabhupada Maharaja

Radha Krsna Ki Jay and Goura Bhakta Vrnda Ki Jay,
Dandavat Pranam,
Please accept my humble obeisanses unto Guruji Maharaja's padmacharan that I got Guruji Maharaja's latest letter accepting extension of one day e.g. 26th Jan. 2017 for Thoubal. All programme were set up through  consultation with Haridas Prabhu. Now he is in Imphal, so I will meet him today and will show Gurujis acceptence letter to him.  The new initiation programme is not yet finalised for Brahma Diksa two members were finalized. I will talk the expected bhaktas personally within two / three days only then I will inform Guruji Maharaja and Haridas Prabhu. Shortly I will arrange a meeting of all initiated bhaktas for final shape of the three days programme.

Yours fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das


HpS -  Dandavats, Sahaab!   Hari-nama Sankirtan in Manipur. You will go with us on the trips to Silchar etc???      We received the following letter from The Hari-Das Das:

Dandavat pranam Maharaj, 
Please accept our most humble obeisances. All glories to SPP, SG, SSG & LSK. 
Hare Krsna Maharaj, 
This morning we have a discussion about your merciful North East India Tour Programme. Everything is O.K. Maharaj except the date of Manipur leaving because 26TH JAN'17 being Republic Day of India which is opposed by all the extremist groups of N/E India and observe BANDH all over N/E States, plying of vehicles on the roads are almost restricted and no one wants to take risk of untoward incident, hence, BANDH becomes successful.

We, therefore, pray your lotus feet to stay one more day in Manipur and leave for Delhi/Vrndavana next day on 27TH JAN'17. Kindly have a mercy upon your Manipur/ Thoubal disciples & devotees and advise us so that we can proceed further to arrange Air Tickets etc. Regarding initiation programme, we are seeking mercy of your lotus feet soon within a day or two. 
Thanking you and assuring you of our best services always. 
Your servant, 
Hari dasa, 
Manipur ISKCON, Imphal. 

Date : 08.11.2016.


HpS - Hare Krsna.  So, we will plan to leave from Imphal on the 27th for Delhi, Vrndavana early in the morning.

"Vrndavana-dhama-mahimamrta" by Prabhodananda Sarasvati:
Sataka One
5 Think of Vrndavana with love. Roll in its dust. Love it ardently. Please its moving and non moving residents. Worship Sri Radha’s birthplace. With all your heart take shelter of Sri Vrndavana, the best of all holy places.

6 If the Vedanta does not directly describe Vrndavana, why should that matter to me? If the faulty logicians, who are like serpents living in the Vedic literatures, ignore Vrndavana, why should I care? If even the devotees of the Lord do not understand the glories of Vrndavana, how does that affect me? Even if my heart were pierced by thousands of thunderbolts, I would never leave Vrndavana.

7 I meditate on Vrndavana, where the cuckoos sing the fifth note, the flute plays splendid melodies, peacocks sing and dance, vines and trees bloom, splendid and charming forests are wonderful with many birds and deer, and there are many splendid lakes, streams and hills.

See you in 10-weeks. Let us make a lot of good arrangements so that the visit is very productive. Eventually we can all continue this forever. Radha Govinda Chandra Ki Jai.