2nd October report NIMSAR for ASA

Hare Krsna Dear SS Hanumat Presaka swami.


We are very happy to know about your preaching in Chicago. We wish everything goes very well for you.

Here 2nd report:

1.-With respect to Atmananda d. We are sending written reports and i waiting for a meeting at November I (isvari dd)... Divya priya dd only she came one time.

2.-With respect to Chosica temple. Karuna Krsna p said: That he will be giving seminars for Temple and Nimsar give courses.

3.-Gandharva d is preparing a manual teacher and manual student of Introducction to Bhakti yoga, for this Jiva sakti d gave us his material.

NIMSAR need to have teaching material.

4.-Candra mukhi dd, will be representing NIMSAR in Brazil, she already started to prepare.We thought it would be a good topic: Educator profile.

For teaching of vaisnavas courses, it is no enough to be a teacher career, a required a certain character and competence.

Sri Nrsimhadeva protec you

Thank you very much

HpS - Hare Krsna. Thank you for your Report.  We are a little bit delayed, no?   This is 8th November and the Report is titled 2nd October.
<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />         ... we are all to blame, and we are all trying, like children trying to cook a cake for their Father's birthday. Their Mother is always watching and really doing the cooking.
We are in Richmond, Virginia now.  The education program is so disorganized from our perspective. Top to Bottom. So we go back to us-Prabhupada-Krsna and then we can actually get some structure and then we can share it with you and others!

Now we are working on the NOI as a Vaisnava Verse Book. We are doing it as a Power Point Show. We will present it Saturday!!

Please send us any news as it developes, Yatra, Family, Goloka!