Hare krsna, maharaja; please accept my obeissances.. i havent write in a long time and pasing de time i feel more and more confused about my dutys and less entusiastic about everythin related with my espiritual life and a subject that i want to coment its about the guru...
i feel a little confused and sometimes i think i have to meet other gurus i dont know if it is because of my mind or mi condition but i feel confused about everything im in a relationshiep and part of all this i think its because of that because im not doing the things right i try to and some times i made it but other times no so much... now i dont know i think i have to chant more and read i know more o less my fails and im working on it but i lost comunication with the guru and im sorry because this fallen condition :/ tryin to follow the steps of the previus acaryas YS: Bhaktin F
HpS - ASA -- Hare Krsna, Mataji. Are you in Mexico??? One foto of your self and friends.
King Satyavrata had a similar problem to you. Read http://www.vedabase.com/es/sb/8/24/46 from Text 46-53. Krsna is the first Guru, then Srila Prabhupada if you want to accept him as your Acharya, then His disicples on down to the blades of grass, but the above link is a good place to start. Take a few days to read it. Discuss it with some friends. Then write again! [and take nice Maha-prasad!]