Super girl reporting

8 years, 2 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva



Thank U all so much for all iur support. I do not deserve it.

A little history here. I was going to travel with Jambavan d  But he will arrive to India after me.. so I remember iur words.DO NOT TRAVEL ALONE TO INDIA. Then another devotee asked me to travel with him.. but he showed that he was not reliable.. I guess I am.not qualified to visit the holy then I continue with my paper work to get my visa...

Sadhana: FMP OK. 4P OK. Some days I complete my rounds next day... But my trip to USA will be too long so I will catch up on my rounds

Service: 2 BS students quit the BS course. Currently I just have manisati sita and Japanamarama.

I do pujari in Chosik one Saturday a month. 

In wilson pujari on wednesdays... 

I also festivals in pujari and also as a community mangment

I continue doing yoga. Aromatherapy. And with my coach. I try to keep good association. My mom is pretty good. Not depressed. Chanting her rosary and with her vegan diet...

At work I teach 20 hours x week. 

I was not attending BV due to at work asked me to cover one teacher on saturdays.. but that ends on November

Thank U Gurudeva

See U soon



HpS - Hare Krsna!!!   Your report seems very good.  By your own effort you have seemed to have put yourself in a position where you fully wake up to your transcendental nature very soon. This is  very, very fortuante. Seems you do not have to add much at all to your life. You just have to intensify what you are doing. For example, make your visit to Chosika more intense, for example, add a Ladies Music Club going form practicing Bhajans to arranging programs where you can go out to the homes of respectable Ladies in the community and introduce them to the culture of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Mother Saci, Visnu-priya et al.


Your schedule next needs to be enchanced with a deep passion in your preaching. Of course that will come naturally from Vaisnava Dharma in the mode of goodness, but you can also open you heart in your Japa to Their Lorships and pray to wake up!

Why doesn't your Mom start to outline a book about her life and the world in represented.