SP's Body, Mind & Soul

8 years, 4 months ago by chas d lind in Hot Topics


Dear Maharaja Hanumat Presaka Swami,

please accept my humble obeisance’s, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

As requested a synopsis of my current observations of reported opinions on ISKCON’s managing affairs. Am submitting as is for Kartik is upon us and feel this needs to be delivered prior. Apologies for late response, Seva has been overwhelming, as usual, which is could be another write in its self.

Have recently discovered some controversial articles dealing with Srila Prabhupada’s “Body”,
Our ISKCON institution seems to occasionally have a bit of sand mixed in the sweet rice,  even while the milk is boiling.

The first article I caught was his grace Bhakti Vikasa Swami’s (BVKS) Vyasa puja offering. His reflecting of observations and negative recognition in his efforts to please Srila Prabhupada seemed saddened. Although I’ve only glimpsed his book he referred to, I can understand his perspective as a Sannyasi and how that might be taken by others. “What is the difficulty?” as his grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami coined… guess the difficulty is individual interpretations.

As far as I can tell BVKS is most sincere in his work and was a bit hurt by the offended reactions to his work. When discretion and denial are at a fine line it must take great wisdom to know the difference, not for the weak. Maharaja is not necessarily outspoken but more direct in sharing Srila Prabhupada’s practicalities. He also reveals some apprehensive and duplicity of GBC management thus insuring controversy and distancing in his Vyasa-puja offering. It’s confirmed with BVKS’ current efforts Kali-yuga is working and is dangerous as ever, he remains faithful and secure, surrendering again to his Spiritual Master. Now how the rest of the devotee’s feel is another story. Let’s hope Maharaja’s example will pervade beyond words and bring better service out of this.

HpS - ASA --- I never got the chance to look at Majaraja's book. I have read some of this biographys and come in contact with him personally during several events.  We saw a lot of popular reactions to his book being banned from ISKCON gift stores and ISKCON official events. We don't know the details.

From our limited point of view, Maharaja can be a little rough in his presentation at times, but his courage in presenting truth makes that a very, very tolerable feature.

In the end he changed the cover of his book and GBC raised its ban, no?

Prthu Maharaja and Indra in the Sixth Canto!

Thank you.

The second article is dated, 2006, is about the Bhaktivedanta Institute (BI) by Jayo Das Prabhu. It deals in relations to financial appropriations and the diverse leadership with standings of dispute on BI’s preaching management leaning on scientific academic recognition and less effort on specific promulgating.

Some conflicts in financing with BBT and Temples also have eroded with this situation, especially with Bhaktivedanta Institute (BI). Seems something so important to Srila Prabhupada and should be a bit more high-profile and monitored.

Original quotes from Srila Prabhupada in the late 70’s was $10K a month was allocated to BI (printed in “Ocean of Mercy” by HH M. Bhakti Caru Swami), from what I’ve gleaned that is no longer the case. Promoting  valid Vedic philosophy to significant people seems what his devine grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta had in mind, why is deviancy so easily allowed? Obviously the first problem is in management not “managing and/or monitoring”. Is this out of political indifference, uncomfortable bedfellows or just turning a blind eye? Hard to tell sometimes and seems to have been swept under the rug time being. The BI department doesn’t get the same headlines as others, yet it is a most beneficial project for ultimate recognized promulgation. Sure there will be more to come if the existing devotee scientists keep vigilant.


The third clincher is in video format form Prabhu Krishna Kirti (PKK) and is quite informative on aspects of current mentalities in management versus past precedence’s. Also interesting is PKK’s re-cap on BVKS’ Mothers & Masters along with reminders of past foundational purposes. Some firm stances on existing Vaisnava guidelines.

PKK also has a various charts and documentations of evolved thought and structured mentalities, the process of “modern social evolution” thus far, along with the GBC’s progressions too. PKK has done his homework and is very thorough.


The standards set by Srila Prabhupada are impeccable for time, place & circumstance. Such adjustments are not for a common man, yet as individuals we each have to make choices too. Not to get lost on simple queries of daily activities that is mundane maintenance, to grasp the grand picture of sadhana and self-realization, even when there are agitations of the bodily and mental platform. As Vaisesika Prabhu mentioned in his book “Family Business” in the chapter “Thoughtfulness Principle” that there are “unchangeable principles” and “adjustable details”.

Seems this is where the Guru is further needed, to reveal what priorities are needed to gain strength in our daily practices so as not to get overwhelmed by the external proclivities, false and true. Best trick is having a regulated life-style that complements our abilities in bhakti-yoga, if this isn’t done the pursuant of sadhana is very difficult even with proper instructions. So, it seems the first land-mark for strong faith will be a regulated schedule of devotional practice

Being a 3rd party late comer to this fine ISKCON movement there’s been a lot of water under the bridge. Poison conspiracies, Ritviks’, court cases with cloned ISKCON devotees… the list goes on. Since as a fence-sitting “servant-in-training” my opinion is limited and not that important, regardless when the foundation is weak we must repair it, of course getting authorization to repair is another story. Be nice to do something significant for our 50th year here. Another difficulty in this age of Kali is that truth and honesty are suffering so much it makes it difficult to grasp what the truth is; one can spend more time researching than actually solving a problem.

In full, we should always avoid false premise on un-confirmed opinions, we should also minimize harsh and overtly critical commentaries while keeping honest rapport in expressing our observations verbal or written. Keeping open dialogue may bring further clarity in the depths of sadhana bhakti, ultimately we still must walk the walk to get results.

Thank you for your valuable time Maharaja!

Your servant in training,
