few words

8 years, 2 months ago by Namacarya das in Special Category A
<big>Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!</big>
<big>First let me thank you for inspiration and encouragement to write here to the Blog. Also, you wrote in a letter to Prahlad Nrsimha : “We suffer the same thing. Don't want to talk about our problems until we solve them, but a lot of solving them, is to talk about them. “ This very much made sense to me. My need is to talk openly. Without fear of being rejected. Share realizations, thoughts and doubts. You in a very nice way encourage all that.</big>
<big>you wrote:</big>
<big>Is there anyone else who holds these principles the same as we do, amongst our God-brothers?</big>
<big>One of our greatest concerns in that ISKCON Sannyasis become pets kept by pious ISKCON householders to satisfy the Grhastha's sentiments: Here is my parrot, here is my cook, here is my Guru.</big>
<big>If you are a Sannyasi you should have a passion to do something new, no?  Then, how can the Institution support you, because it is something new, so the Institution has no existence there yet.</big>
<big>None of the instruments we have in ISKCON now will let us move forward.
We try to contact senior men A...,   N....,   P.....,   T.... about their projects and their vision. We try to contact R.... in Peru.
<big>No one seems alive on this level, so the only solution is to go back to the roots of our life in Krsna consciousness.   Hmmm.  Does God have a plan?   Does He know the future?  Is a war coming, that will break all the rules and leave us only the inspiration of the Paramatma to do anything in this comedy?</big>
<big>It is new to me that a sannyasi should do something new? What kind is this “new”? Is it  preaching projects?</big>
<big>HpS - Yes, Sannyasa is meant for serving Krsna. Maya is always giving newer and newer tricks to keep us engaged. So we need ever fresh preaching programs. </big>
<big>I agree about your thoughts about Institution. Sometimes it looks to stiff. Even though new ideas are actually just looking new to some leading people in the institution. It is not that because it is new , that it means that there is breaking of vaisnava principles. But somehow, some projects or ideas do not get approved. So, yes, in a way, it can be depressing.</big>
<big>When you say “None of the instruments we have in ISKCON now will let us move forward.” Could you share details about that?</big>
<big>HpS - It is just my personal experience of the world around me. My opinion is that my personal opinions are like everyone elses personal opinions, personal. We need to evaluate other people, devotees, get information from them and then go on developing our understanding of the Sankirtan environment. We heard that two devotees were traveling from Temple to Temple. They would go out day after day and sell 3-5 of the big KRSNA Art books. Devotees tried to find their secret and after they had exhausted the resource it turned out they were selling to Tattoe studios. Hippies are our best customers.
We keep investigating our options. We feel that this educatio area has to go ahead. We need our own primary schools etc.
<big>When you say to go back to the roots in our life in KC, what does it mean?</big>
<big>HpS - We all have personal reasons that we are attracted to Krsna consciousness, no?  Then we get involved in the insitution and become absorbed in eat, sleeping etc. So our motivations can be superficial. We may take a few months off and get back to deeper, persona, often passionate motivations, otherwise we will dry up.</big>
<big>Your servant Namacarya das</big>
<big>ps: got this weird lines in the letter. Do not know how delete them. Stiil , the letter seems readable</big>
<big>HpS.   I tried applying the "Styles" above and only seems to have made it worse.    These opinions I expressed are our intuitive reactions to the world around us. We see them as a little external, like our mind talking, Brother Ass talking, but very important to some of us.</big>