Kartika Tour - Chicago

8 years, 3 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

On Fri, 10/7/16, Diego Tapia "etasahps"wrote:
Subject: Re: HpSwami - Kartika Tour. CHICAGO
Friday, October 7, 2016, 10:47 AM

Dear Gurudeva, My sincere apology for the delay.

HpS - Please excuse us for our delays.
EKD -  Please see the attached file. 

HpS - We did. It is very helpful.
EKD -  The schedule is 90% confirmed. You will notice that
 next to the programs are the possible topics you requested. Most of them are going to need some articulation from you  according to the audience we will have. Please, confirm which topic considering the info listed below so I can move forward with advertisement.

 1) City Colleges of
 Chicago, Truman: I think I mention this to you, but I have the support
  of the Wellness Center as well as the Psychology Coordinator O... R... They are excited about the content of your lecture
 and Jungian research,
  and at the same time they are
 interested in a program that can also include
  undergrad students. Topics such as
 Stress, Coping Strategies, and so on are very common on
 these classes and among students and coaches. I invited
 other faculty
  members to join us.      
HpS - Have you looked at the Video Clips from the program in Peru????   Go to www.youtube.com and search with the Key Phrase "Psychology and the Sacred 2016". That shows what we are doing and is great to use as a promo for the professors. Best thing is for us to talk to the sponsors. Can we get a conference call some time??? 
 2) Second City training center: When I talked to the head of acting Mr Pieper, about your lecture,
 I remarked the common subjects  your lectures have with the concepts they teach in class.
 In fact, this how they advertise the program
 : This  program offers a unique method of acting that enables
 students to discover skills found in the physical,
 emotional, intellectual and spiritual aspects of the human
 Therefore they also are very excited
 about the content of your lecture and Jungian
  research, although I did not propose any title for the
 event yet until you decide what topic you want to articulate
 for this audience. May be you can address this from NOI or
 othe SP Book. They also will make it open to
 all instructors and
 HpS - Again if we can get a conference call we can do this very fast. One thing that might interest them would be the comparison and contrast between classical India drama theory (Rupa Goswami) and Western theory through Aristotle, Constantin Stanislavskii, and Viola Spolin.
 Interfaith: We are sure that we will gather our
 guests together that
  but I am still working where. Probably it is going to
 happen in our temple. On the other hand, although the topic
 says "Education...", you can also decide to change
 it, as long as we have 15 days to share with them what is
 going to be about they will have
  the chance to prepare them selves. Personally I
 was thinking about this program as an opportunity to
 share with them what is our vision about the topic and to
 find common points among the institutions, but again, we
 can propose another topic since we are the
HpS - A nice topic is: "What is an Educated Man? The Teacher as the Mid-wife of the Soul". Is that O.K??
 IIT: This program is at the Krsna house, and will be
 mostly indian engineer and tech students looking for
 prasadam, so whatever the topic
  is, they will get some purification on the process of
 hearing from you. Now, I inviter formally Professor Arlen Moller,
 Associate Professor,
 Dept. of Psychology, IIT, to
  your lecture at the KH so we may have the chance
 to establish some serious contact with faculty and make
 the program worth it for future preaching
HpS - Topic ???   "Scratching the Surface - Cutting Edge Research in Accessing Classical Indian Technological Resources"

 those SB classes as well as the special class and Bhakti
 Vrksa are mere suggestions and subjected to change if you
 consider appropriate.
HpS -  They seem nice. We can adjust in terms of the exact audience that actually come.
 Please let
 me know what you think, 

HpS - We think it seems like a nice program, if you have  a case of NOIs!    What do you think of our comments?  Conference calls? 
 ys Etasa
 Krsna Das