Isvari news (little urgen)

Hare Krsna Dear Maharaja,


I inform you of the following:

1.-The chairman of National Council is: Caitanya Candra db, su mail :[email protected]

Vice president o Vicechairman: Caturatma d ([email protected])

Secretary: Karuna krsna db: [email protected]

 Natioanal Council have a 3 year period. They have too your mail.

2.-With respect to compile the Actas it will make Yamunesvara d (he was secretary before Jivasakti d), he has recordings of meetings and will transcribe.

There are a lot of homework for Yamunesvara p.
HpS - Thank you. Seems nice. B'cari for President and Grhastha for Vice President.  We are concerned about reconstructing the previous decisions, because we must all know what are the rules, but right now hoping that the current Secretary can publish the results. We will put a little of this in the DTC now.

3.-I had a brief conversation with Caitanya Candra db and he said to seek a devotee who communicate agreements meetings.
HpS - AGTSP!   Paoho...  Do you mean he will seek someone can who can communicate the agreements from the meetings?

4.-NIMSAR report latest, I forgot write in the title "little urgent", excuse me.

Pray of the health of your body are is better.

5.-2 consults? 

_Most students of Berkeley University are revolutionaries, this is due to its education system?

HpS - I don't know so much since we are not there so much, but I think that now they are no longer revolutionarys. Chinese are more prominent and so is kind of Artha, Economic Development, focus.

I think it is because incentivize to sutends to investigate. You know anything about this?

_What difference betwen Special Category A and B? 
Piggy: Category A is like non-Calendar, Personal Sadhana, Sankirtan Reports etc. Discussion of certain themes like Education in ISKCON etc.
Category B is same thing but more permanent topics, more conclusions of Category A

With affection

ys and spiritual niece

Isvari dd
HpS - ASA -  Thank you very much for your efforts!!