Sanskrit for kids, Santiago Chile.

Dear Maharaj:

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I hope you´re very well. We are very happy, working in our projects;

HpS - Hare Krsna!   Was Arjuna happy in the Battle of Kuruksetra.  It is humorous, no? Lot of violence against us and even from us in this material world, but happy in some details and happy in the broad view! Thank you.

Visvanath is organizing the temple´s festival, which has been very beautiful.

Since 3 months ago, I started to use the sanskrit set with the kids in the temple here in Santiago, Chile.

Because I live too far and I haven´t had more time, we are doing it every 2 Sundays; the reception has been very enthusiastic even with non-devotees kids.

The program starts with chanting mantras and then I do a small yoga class so the kids can move some, also I teach them some pranayamas so they can be more receptive for the sanskrit class. We end with simple prasada (fruits, sandwich or what the parents brings).

I´ve adapted some activities so they can be funnier for the kids, because we have a large range of age, from 3 to 13 years old. Nevertheless, I always guide myself by the books. It has been a great challenge to do this service as it´s difficult to have all the kids attention for 1 ½ hrs, but they always seems very happy and anxious to learn more sanskrit, besides they love to write in devanagari!

Please Maharaj, we need your blessings so the program keeps working, improving and giving fruits. There´s a lot to do and learn!

Your aspiring servant

Gita Vali dasi

HpS - I think you sent this letter before, no?   Well, it is a very good letter and worth reading twice.  We are trying to start the Sanskirt studies here in Tennessee, but have been waiting for a lesson plan from India which gives some little more organization to the Teacher's Study Guide.

Mama nama Hanunat Swami. Bhavatiya nama kim?