Sadhana report and free-energy topic

8 years, 5 months ago by Nanuk in Special Category A

Please accept my humble obeisances. Shyamantaka jewel (free-energy)! Yes, but still dangerous in not BRICS-countries (namely Brazil, Russia, India, China and South-Africa, as wikipedia says these five developing countries) there is very much links in net to Tewari, this is page ten of the links yes, outside BRICS-countries it's dangerous, but they seem to defend this technology against threats from oil countries, like those listed in the first link.

Politically and even philosophically something like shyamantaka jewel too :). In my thought this would mean one part of the end of quite long colonialistic era and suppression of, I think, what is more vedic technology. Like in India Tewari shows, (and is still an old colleague of our Keshava Madhava's wife's father from Helsinki temple, when they made free-energy machines already in 60's or 70's as nuclear physicists).

Personally I don't have time nor money to Sao Paulo(Brazil), but it is where Keppe-motors have their headquarters. I was emailing with them about one free-energy circuitry for their motors, because I had some experience and knowledge about how the high voltage pulses work with sifferent circuit components (which I had learned from Bedini-free-energy motors formidable team). Yes, and I posted then same kind as attached picture (of motor with Krishna) and the canadian guy (kit-manual maker) asked if he can send the picture to whole team, which I said ofcourse. (now I couldn't find that motor, but I put one photo of some magnetic things and Rodin coil)

Maharaja, I think you maybe know Norberto R. Keppe, because he is the South-American psychoanalycist who invented the analytical trilogy... They're a little bit demigodly people if I have understood it right. Or at least quite intelligent. I never have been in contact with all ready-made products (Keppe-motor would be best to get them), but have assembled them myself from kits or from schematics and been researching different concepts... and creative things like music, actually I have already several musicians engaged around the theater, and I heard it's actually easier to make an audio book on the visual play (first was Gajendra in crisis). I evn have one “friend” to help with the light programming, because I borrowed him my 3d-printer, and I guess otherwise too :), just have to make good prasadam for a vegetarian) … and I love the theater, for real. I hope in good way, Maharaja. At least it makes me just cry, in feeling of not cumulating more stress. I would really like to do something for the culture of sisters Adama and Havyavati, very straightforward, but not offending.

I remember Lokanath Swami saying: Only real self-discipline in this age is the Co-operation. :) And yes cosmological things we have to always look from the basis of relativity. But on technological level there is too much hate, I would say. My grandfather was in the board of biggest oil refineries in the Finland and a freemason. What I can say, it's not so nice never to think what the government might do to you. And actually Nikola Tesla became so frustrated between wars (or concious of nazi's highly advanced same technology, which I would say,, if war would have started just few years later they would have risen to world dominion), that he induced a death ray weapon, against air attacks. HAARP-like or Tesla Howitzer, which is actually very much just now realized in west when it was highly advanced in USSR. . And they used or tested in Iraq against their own old equipment which they had sold or given to Saddam's regime, at least portable Tesla Howitzer, destroying one mosque and in one part of Iraq, there was, was it two days, an earthquake induced exactly every 15 minutes, there was a small tornado above the sea, some light, the sea became red, and on the shore came some 40 dolphins which were burned alive underwater. It is even said that in Kuwait they did put with HAARP or similar type of machine some propaganda straight to the opponents heads,, and near HAARP in Alaska actually lives one man who has done such a thing himself also, it was in television, and this ex-marine-soldier who tested it, said it really works. They also tested other energy weapons like lasers says doctors and maybe some who survived. US antigravity is though actually named after sanskrit: Astra. But it's not full antigravity. Some 80% made with 3 mercury based machines as the vyaamaanika shastra says, in which the mercury whirls some 200 000 times was it in minute or second I'm not so sure anymore in this age when there is not only Schauberger's implosion motors, as in vyaamaanika shastra is said iron machine under to whirl mercury... And yes it definitely is like a shyamantaka jewel. And when in Krishna's hands: and India's mass media has also woke up 1,4 years ago: a little little bit in Finland too, but this definitely is not a BRICS-country. But yes there certainly is ether or space and it is linked to our hearing sense. I just want to say that on this field of recearch there is powerfull dangers. Theater gallery and other All the glories to A.C.B.S Sriila Prabhupada! Jaya Srii Krishna

HpS - Thank you.  I don't think we will be able to follow the links right away. Some of our readers maybe this is their service, but we are very pleased to read your posts. Some of the information seems familiar to us. We and our friends were building Van de Graf generators when we were like 14-years old.
Maya tatam idam sarvam.  BG chapter 7(?) everything comes from Krsna, everything can be used for Krsna.