Saturday is very, very hard for us. WE have two classes and that is a lot of work for us in one day on the internet.
The it is 32 degress centigrade here, so we suffer from the heat, mosquitos, bad allergy, hay-fever. The traffic outside is lots of trucks, cars, ambulances. All of this makes life hard.
Then we don't have any intimate association in our Karma-yoga, people calling us about their passion in with Carl Jung.
I think that you all have just the same problems as us.
We need more exercise than we are getting. Devotees here are content with brisk walks but we need intense exercise. They finish the evening walk in 44minutes, but when we did it at our own pace last Friday we did it at 33 minutes and we see that we could progress a lot more in that line.
We can only do so much of this administrative and preaching work each day, then we want some "sense gratification" so now we are reading
It is boring in many ways, but it lets our mind stop thinking and get systematic stimulation from the mode of goodness-passion.
We could just read the KRSNA book and live on water and Goloka maybe. Real possibility, but if we are to stay in this world then we have to feed and read somethings for our Stupid Ass.
O.K. We answered all the mail to four days ago. Responed to one more disciple report. In your association had dalh and rice from Mrs. Desai, fruit and nuts.
Let's go walking and see you at Noche Sabado Vivo!!