Govinda Pramodini

8 years, 5 months ago by Govinda Sundara in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept my humble obaisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

I hope you are in good health and preaches continue with more force.

ASA - Jaya!

I write and delete this letter many times, and to be honest I'm not sure how to write this letter. For first time in my life I felt that I disappointed someone that really loves me, who gave me the more precious gift ever and showed mercy upon this cover with anarthas soul.  I jump your autorithy and I acted in a capricious way, moved by my own desires. I feel so embarrassed, but I beg for forgiveness. I can do nothing without your blessing.  Instruction is our primary relationship and I forget.

HpS - ASA --  Yeah, yeah, a few superficial irregularities, but basically you seem to be acting as a very nice. Thank you.

Just before to travel to India I was in a unconfortable situation, trying to fix my mind on my service in the school but fighting with the desires of family life. When I approach to elders they were trying to help me; my parents and even some of them under your request (like CC and subhra), looking for prospects for me. It became and spiral of interchange of life perspectives and information to end in nothing, I just felt unfaithful and a waste of time. I was talking at that time to my now husband Ranchor Krishna Das, but in the end I stop to talk to everybody. I stop my prayer to the Lord for a good husband. I just realized how silly I was to ask Him that when he can fulfill everything! He can create and destroy everything in a blink.

When I reached Vrindavana finally I felt in peace. I didn’t have knowledge of how to start to see vrindavana. I was reading the book that you recommend me, but still was hard for me. After just one day I saw Ranchor, he was there. He help me and the family that I was traveling with to take darshan in the different places in Vrindavana, Barsana, Gokul, Radhakund-Syamakund, I did with him my first vrajamandala parikrama and also my first Govardhan parikrama. I felt greatful.

I feel that Krishna knew my hidden desires in the heart. Ranchor and I were very honest about our expectations and direction in grihasta life, and we find a very similar perspective. He inspires me very much in devotional life and is very supportive in a personal aspect. He talked to my parents and we talked to his Siksha guru and they agree with the idea of us together. And Im a rasal [rascal], because even you were in my mind all the time, many details in Vrindavan remind me your person, I just remain coward and never write to you. I just beg for your understanding and trust that I took a good decision in my association.

We interchange garlands in Noida temple and sign papers in Delhi, the same day I flew back to Houston. Was maybe after one week that i realized the whole situation. Since then we were been reading SB, Queen Kunti together trying to focus our mind and soothe the separation.  We were being learning and asking from different grihastas details about how to keep a good relationship with each other keeping Krishna in the center. Mind is little bit more peaceful.

HpS - ASA --  Finding a perfect marriage situation in Kali-yuga is like finding a Brahmana in Las Vegas.  From your descriptions it seems like you have acted in sane fashion. This is Kali-yuga. Varna-ashrama-dharma is the best use of a bad bargain. If you stick to devotional service as you have then your marriage will be nice. Can be super-nice (as service together). Ranchor seems like he might have been a Mexican in his last life??!

In my service to Goswami Academy I feel confident managing the classroom and interacting with the other staff. Im also trying to improve in my teaching skills, I took a TOEFL test; it was around 4hrs long, so soon I will have the chance to start college English classes. I got my degree evaluation and seem that is equivalent and complete in the U.S. According to the evaluating agency I completed Bachelor of Science in Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

HpS - Wow!   You can revive dead bodies, turn lead into gold, rescue super-man from Kryptonite!   That is a pretty heavy degree.

Reading some points in SB about varna asrama dharma, sadhana going in a bumpy road, and japa sometimes hitting the 16 very late, fighting with our eating.  Working some Krishna art projects (sculpture and paintings). We took Guru disciple course with Anuttama prabhu, very interesting and inspiring ( Srila prabhupada ki jay!), lots of association here in Houston.

Dear gurudeva, I don’t know how all this blessing are coming to us, I just know that is by your mercy and Srila Prabhupadas. Please keep this family at your service, and consider our ineptitude our disease..

Another enjoyer monkey

Govinda Pramodini Devi Dasi

HpS - Congratulations.   Number one, get up early and get your rounds done!!!

Bigger deals are yet to come.