Itenarary for India Suggested by Hari Das Das

8 years, 5 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

My dear Maharaj, 

Dandavat pranam Maharaj. 

Please accept my/ our most humble obeisances. All glories to SPP, SG, SSG & LSK. 

Hare Krsna Maharaj, first of all forgive me the delay on my part to keep you in touch always. However, I am always alert/active to receive your message through your very dear disciple Mukta or Jamuneswar for which I keep myself a bit free from frequent communication with you. Forgive me Maharaj, please never mind of it. It is not like that I forget you. No Maharaj, no, never. I would ever remain grateful to your lotus feet for the mercy extended to me. Before hand, I have written three/four times but your above email address could not receive but it has shown failure of delivery system every time, then I keep contact with Jamuneswar Das regarding where about & what about Maharaj.

Now, I would like to pray your lotus feet that if possible, Maharaj may kindly let us pay darshan of your lotus feet under the following schedule :

1. After 7th to 10th Jan'17 programme at Madras, Maharaj may either proceed to Sridham Mayapur for some days rest there or come straight forward to Agartala or Imphal. In this regard, Agartala is preferable because we can proceed with our programmes systematically & smoothly......

4 or 5 days in Agartala / Tripura.

2. Silchar, Cachar. .......4 or 5 days.

3. Guwahati, Assam / Shillong, Meghalaya. ....... 3 to 4 days.

4. Manipur .........5 days or 1 week time.

Then we may/will proceed to Sridham Mayapur to attend the SANGA of Guru,  GBC, Sannyasa etc.

Hare Krsna Maharaj, kindly look into the above tentative programme and please confirm your scheduled programme so that necessary Air Tickets are arranged before hand as per the schedule of your journey in N/E regions with me.

For your kind information Maharaj, I am now in Lagos for one month mission to West Africa and my mission will complete by 9th Oct'16, then by 11th Oct'16, I would arrive Delhi / Radhakunda to attend the programme of Samadhi temple inauguration as well as the Tirobhav Tithi of Guru Maharaj. 

Thanking you and assuring you of my best cooperation always. 

Your servant, 

Hari dasa, 

Manipur ISKCON, Imphal.  

Date : Lagos, West Africa the 17th Sep'16.