Bhakti Vaibhava

8 years, 3 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna!

We are trying to get our Chanting, Dancing, and Feasting organized to a practical level and then the Study of Prabhupada's books. The CDF seems pretty good today and then we got to Evaluating two of the Pada-padma Tests that we gave after out Seminar in January and February. Here is the letter we sent to Srinivasa Das with his Test Evaluation.
In general, our participation in the BhVai Diploma development seems quite progressive. We feel we can get things organized to have powerful impact with the academic aspect of the study of Srila Prabhupada's books


Esteemed Srinivasa-acharya Das, paoho

Well, just seven months after you took the test, here are the results. We were doing well keeping to the schedule in giving the classes and the examination, but we couldn't finish evaluating them before we left for India etc, and then we were on the road continuously after that. Now, we thought that with these three months based in Tennessee we could catch up, and it seems to be true.

We hope to talk with you about the broad Sankirtan strategy and specific application to you, your family, Yatra etc.

Please call and contact us with your inspirations etc as you like, especially in the Blog.

Attached is your Evaluated Test. Please send and questions or comments.