Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva
Thank U for your daily association .. for encouraging us to have always Krsna in the center.
This is the new schedule for FMP
Mon: HH HpS
Tue: Bhadra vardana & Sananda dd
Wed: YKD
Thurs: CMDD
Fri; Abhinanda d
Saturday: Isvari dd
Sun: MVdd
Thank U Gurudeva.
Note: If someone wants to share the day please contact me
Thank U Gurudeva
Trying to be useful
HpS - ASA --- Thank you. Like 90% of our strength comes from this FMP on line. Thank you all. Thanks to Srila Prabhupada for giving us this authentic service.
Chant with like one to two red dots in the volume indicator. Then Chant softly with just green dot.
Keep some rhythm with clapping hands or something else.
Chant with LOVE.