
8 years, 5 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva 



I hope this meets U in really good health.

Brother Ass - AGTSP paoho.  We have a little bit of a stomach ache. Our eyes hurt, the screen is too much. We are exhausted, but our body is running well on a gross level and even feeling subtle life waking up within.

16 R ok they can be better rounds

HpS - We are very alone here in Tennesse and have to struggle to get our rounds done, but they are pretty good, useful.


HpS - Sometimes we read classical stories that include romance from ladies and gentlemen as a side issue. It gives us knowledge of the material world and how to talk to people.


Reading I need a lot of improvement here ¡¡¡ 

I have been better and better.. Radhastami was incredible, I was completely detached I just wanted to be there and try to do some service, but at 4:15pm I performed the puja to RMV, then before the abhishek I was helping all the things .. then Gaura Gadadhara asked me to help her.. and we lead the abhishek...  in Gaura artik the new head pujari asked me please do the puja for Sita Rama  and I ohh wow, then I helped to put Sita Ram pijamas... It was an amazing day lots of mercy ¡¡¡¡ I feel so so good nevertheless at the end of the day I felt mistreated for someone but it was also a HUGE MERCY due to I felt liberated.. I mean I understood that as my coach says to me.. people treat U the way U allow them.. and I said yes... yes.. I realized that in that night  I felt so good and I said not anymore.. HEALTHY LIMITS 

I remember that U always said the devotee is always happy being depressed is offensive ¡¡¡¡ the vision of life has changed a lot,  I do not blame others, I am not always complaining or teasing but I do not allow that others mistreated me, because I treat myself good ¡¡¡ maha mantra, good diet and association uf I can write for hours¡¡¡¡

HpS - How can people mistreat you? You are not that body. You are little cute angel from Goloka. Maybe a potatoe in Goloka or a monkey or... They are angry at something they are projecting on you. It is  in their heart, the hate. Help them have and end to the hate if you can.

Bless the discomfort that takes you to your certainty¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ that is the phrase that my coach repeats to me again and again ¡¡¡¡ I felt blessed by Srimati Radharani ¡¡¡ she always in one way or another reveals me things and call me crazy but in my heart I know that is true.

On Saturday I went to schell and  I met my yoga instructor that I met before in another center and again ¡¡ wow the universe is telling me something... He has been trained by Prema vikasa Prabhu  he is a good person so in october I am going to start yoga there... 

My mom is vegan now, she is not going to surgery she does not want that, she has the strong conviction that if she keeps her diet this tumor may go away ¡¡ My sister and I respect that, she is not depressed nor sad or angry she feels happy, she is very admirable two hips surgery , she walks normal now without her stick and now this illness, but she is GOOD¡¡¡  we have an organic diet well at least my mom and me.. my sister is reluctant.. I am reducing the chocolates.. and eating organic food, not just food... toothpaste, etc, fashion clothes not yet jeje

I feel that I am in the right path now,being a teacher, trying to teach by example discovering myself, not depressed. And now I feel grateful I have lots of things of being grateful for ¡¡¡

we really like our BS class with Trivikrama das from chile, he is the most responsible ¡¡¡ 

Regarding  my last letter, M Isvari told me to write to U about the Bhakti Sastri manegment, then I read your response and U asked her that P Jiva and I write to U, but U did not say what we need to write I do not know if we need a resume or what ??

HpS - In NIMSAR Report we said that we will write to Bh. Rupa Das with copy to you two and M. Rohini. 

Well that's it, we feel good,.  thanks to your inspiration, shelter

Looking forward to see U again in person ¡¡¡¡

your useless daughter 

Candramukhi dd

HpS - Thank you very, very, very much for letting us all share your journey. In the end you can be known with so many others as Santa Candri of Lima. You can have a little statue and pigeons can come and sit on your head.  You have to write a couple of books.  What will they be?