DTC 9(Fr)

8 years, 5 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna!

AGTSP!    Paoho.

6.15PM now.    Program tonight at NGD Ashrama starts at 7.30PM, so we have to leave around 7-7.15PM. What do we do with this one-hour? We have so many projects:

  1. Transcribe Prabhupada's comments on Jungian philosophy in Dialectic Spiritualism.
  2. Read Gerald Larson's commentary on the Sankhya Karika.
  3. Write our Bi-annual Report to Tamohara Das
  4. Write our Abstract for the Madras Bhagavatam Symposium...

Always, Sri Krsna Sankirtan is first, then Vidya vadu jivanam, Krsna will give us intelligence what to do. We put the Karika, the Dialectic etc on hold. Now we will work on editing Solaris English translation. We already have looked at translations of two articles and both need a lot of work. Claudio's more than Hector's. It is not easy translating these people. These people are all poetical.

Priorities. We have been pretty good apes today. A little bit too much sweets and milk. We aim to become more expert Goswamis, Goswaminis.

This morning from 6-7.30AM was the Latin American MOE meeting. We hosted it at Start Meeting.com. It was very effective. The dates for the next Latin American Symposium on education and the content are getting practically defined. The efforts to get Latin Educators into a Database has been very successful. One hundred are there and even statistics are now available.

At the end we were able to catch Rama-giri-dhari Das and he was able to join for about 10-minutes. It was worth $1,000,000. Afterwards we talked with him individually and he commented that he often thought how much he would have participated in this Ministry work if we hadn't been on the team and his conclusion was alwasy, "A whole lot less, thank you", but we can all do much more.

So, now lets look at the mail. Write a quick letter to Tamohara Das. Chant three more rounds and celebrate Radha-astami with the Murfreesboro Yatra.

Hare! Hare!