NIMSAR Report and Plans

8 years, 6 months ago by abhinanda in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna SSHPS


I hope you have good energy.

I forgot report the following:

1. Baladeva p said it is no necessary for NIMSAR’s teacher to take TTC3, only they need TTC2 because the BS of NIMSAR dont have as finality develop the 12 principles of VTE. (our focus is different).

We just need TTC2 and it is very probable we take the course next year with Parampadam p and Baladeva p here in Lima. (We are in talks).

2. Our connection with National Council is Jiva sakti d (Charge of Education Commission), but several months ago that they do not meet together (they met recently when there where changes). And Jiva sakti d also was as disabled.

Recently I spoke with Jiva sakti d and he will return to perform her (his) duties and then we begin to coordinate face to face meetings with National Council. (very probable it will be mid September when new council take functions).

3. Parampadam p went away (travel), recently come back next week and he coordinate with Jagad guru d for to see the next meeting.

4. With respect to BS guides and Lad, I comment briefly

In May I had a meeting with Chosica Council for talking about educational issues, in this moment Nityakinkari dd (Council treasurer) :

_she made a remark to the BS  guidelines. For she it was no good.

_Lad is not good teacher

_and she compare all with Escuela Vaisnava.

The BS guides are very good level, invite to introspection and analysis but she do not understand it and i explained to her in many times that next year we will have new BS guidelines (with more elements).

Also i explained that Lad uses the method constructivism and only there is 2 students have complained about him and Escuela Vaisnava and NIMSAR are different methods and both are educational options.

Then I suggested she takes BS with Escuela Vaisnava but she ignored (it were 3 times that she complains about the same), too I suggested to Lad do not teach to her BS but he continued.

In July NIMSAR asked permission to Chosica´s Council for to give BV presencial course. They answer (letter send for Nityakinkari dd) that lad and the guides (BS and BV) must be inspected of academic devotees (chosen by them)

We decided do not give presencial BS or BV in Chosica temple for now only online. We had Communication course and 2do Educational meeting there, then it was no time for discussion.

About communication between Lad and SG Jagajivan p we dont know.

5. Our vision is the same like you help and preach in Merconorte.

6. A question, Caitanya Candra d he wants to be president of NIMSAR? or is your proposal?

7. If you let me, I prefer write in English to improve.

Sri Nrsimha protect you

Thank you very much

HpS - ASA -  Thank you so much for your Report. I talked with LAD for 1-1/2 hours this morning. We discussed a lot of things. It was a very good meeting. We are pushing him and Abhirama and others to communicate here in the Blog with you and others.
Point "6." - I feel that we should present this kind of letter to Caitanya Candra Prabhu and the Council. What do you think?:

Esteemed CCD, Peruvian National Council et al,
Congratulations on taking the responsibility again of President of the National Council. We have nice memories of meeting with you in the Office in Chosica with NIMSAR devotees et al.
We only hope to be of service to you. We heard that someone said that we said, that M. Ganga was, that we said ...    Basically, as a Sannyasi anything we actually say about politics we publish right in our Blog,, and basically we have very emotional affection for all the devotees in Lima, Mataji, Yamunesvara, Lakmana, Caturatma, Omkara . . . .
We only want to work as friends with everyone.

Within that perspective, with this letter, we are presenting our humble ideas for Sankirtan in Peru, Merco-norte, the world.

1. NIMSAR is a Branch of our Anjana Suta Academy, which is based in Nashville, Tennessee, and Tamohara Das is our GBC-Secretary. We only want to work in Peru if we have friendly relation with the National Council and also also formal letters of agreement describing the institutional aspect.

2. The general idea is that NIMSAR should be like the VIHE in Vrndavana, the Bhaktivedanta College in Radha-desa etc. There are so many institutions like these established by devotees like Bhurijana Das, Saunakya Rsi Das, and even Srila Prabhupada, that are meant to work in full co-operation with the local Temples. NIMSAR would aim to serve Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador with Sastric Education and also Daivi-varna-ashrama-dharma education in the form of Teacher Training, Educational Administrator Training, Pre-school, Primary and Secondary Education, and as well even practical eduction in Motion Picture Production and other fields.
Like the Mayapura Institute, Mayapura Academy, Bhaktivedanta Institute, Bhaktivedanta College, Oxford Center for Hindu Studies, Nimsar is proposed to take care of these multi-national educational necessities. Of course, the Peruvian National Council might want to come up with the same institution, and then personally I have no problem closing our Branch in Peru and working with the National Council's structure.
On the other hand, this administratively independent, harmonious. model is one that is very successful and accepted all over the world. The Temple educational Branch is also working in many place, Russia, India...

What would you like to see personally?

What would the Junta Nacional like to see as an Institution?

Certainly, NIMSAR would be super happy if every member of the National Council was a member of Nimsar and if you wanted to do the work as President of NIMSAR it would certainly be a wonderful possibility as far as I am concerned.

Please contact us about any of these matters. Our real communication is mostly through our Blog, then we get the advantage of being able to work on things as a community, and then (at great personal expense) we can handle "private" details though Yahoo.

Other point is our work with Sattva, Abhirama Thakura Das, and the National Library of Peru, CONCYTEC, San Marcos University etc. This has grown over the years and is just our personal Sankirtan. Again we are always inviting everyone in ISKCON to read about Carl Jung and Srila Prabhupada's dialog etc, and join these efforts.

Please write us about this also.

I think we will be visiting Peru about May, April next year and we hope to be based in Peru from 2019-2022. 2022-2024 in Braja and 2024 leave our body.