I'm sorry

8 years, 4 months ago by Nanuk in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports


new bhakta who wants to be only in contact with me just called and I forgot to put the main link in there..  https://youtu.be/MwUpPwyyvLw   anyhow..  I don't want to be in contact with him too much, because he also still has some drinking problem like my father and don't agree about the fact that sex would be only for recreation.. he is that christian school strongly. Sometimes I still anyhow ask him to come to sing. It has been nice. He is so new. Less than half years.. it seems some want to associate only with me.. which is kind of odd thing.. for me..  maybe I then wanted it somehow. Please accept my humble obeisances! !     Yours sincerely Nanuk Henrichs

ASA - Thank you. Kirtan. Kirtan. Kirtan!