Hare Krsna Dear Gurudeva
All glories to our saviour Srila Prabhupada
Here we are! still A.L.I.V.E!
How are U?????
ASA - Just the same as you only older.
It is almost one month since our last report… we are trying to be more fixed in everything: our rounds, sadhana, reports, temple, association … (thanks a lot for your advices!!! they helped us a lot)…we are trying to do it in a sane way.
This week we finish one more cycle at university (3 more cycle and we finish it!!!!)… we will present our thesis related on how to teach english through Waldorf methodology.
Health is good by the Mercy of Krsna... the body changed a lot but we try to keep focusing on our soul.
Everything at work is pretty good… Still giving Spanish class in the Embassy of India in Peru… At “Das Goethehaus” Waldorf School we are taking more responsibilities and spending more time there… many projects.
HpS - Write a little bit about the bridges that we make between Waldorf and Bhagavata education. We can discuss it and collect in and publish it if it develops and them have a whole new world of friends to play with Gaura.
This year we spent Janmastami and SP feasts at home with family… We are trying to share with our family this time… They are very eager to learn…. we all are following ekadasi. My mom is very fixed on making garlands as well as our dear sister…
Now we have 4 DOGS!!! jojojojojo
Thanks a lot for all Ur support and for sharing the DTC on the Blog... we read it everyday....
Your servant
Patrak Das
HpS - Jaya! Good luck with all your projects!! Waldorf-Bhagavata essay. First thoughts.