Report NIMSAR for ASA

Hare Krsna Maharaja,


Here is our report of August:

1.-Day 7 August, began course of BV (on line and presencial) and too began BS e IBY (Bhakti yoga introduction)

Only IBY presencial is taking place in Chosica temple.  BS and BV presencial in home of devotees.

2.-Our support programs Chosica to temple continue: Sunday school and SBG classes 2 times per month.

We will present new proposals  for Setember.

3.-Our proposal for Examinator and manager of Bhakti Sastri are: Jiva sakti d (examinator) and Candra mukhi dd (manager). They both are agree to work together . What is your opinion?

HpS - It sounds nice. If they write to me, we can write to Mother Rohini DD, and the BOEX, Board of Examiners.

4.-Day 15 to  20 Comunication Course...very well. Baladeva p gave us another perspective of the comunication and also tools and techniques for improve our preaching. It is project that is very import develop sukrti in our hearts.

To the course attended 12 : Laksmana d, Gaura gadhadara dd. Yugala kisora dd, Abhinanda d, B lourdes, Tarangaksi dd, Abhirama d, Prahladeswara d, Padmavati dd. Isvari dd, Ramacandra d y Fermando (friend of Ramacandra).

5.-Day 21 , Second Educational Meeting in Chosica Temple with Baladeva p, who clarify many doubts about the educational issue.

There were 2 issues: Sunday school (yugala kisora dd) and Sastris Education (laskmana Agraja d).

Many propossals were collected and soon we will send a report of these to authorities of yatra.

Meeting was fixed for October 15 to discuss this with authorities of Chosica temple, educators and Communications department.

6.-Day 22 to 24 , workshop of mediation and conflict resolution. Here was there 14 : Laksmana d, Yugala dd, Gauragadhadara dd, B Lourdes, Indira shakti dd, Isvari dd, Prahladeswara d, Gaura vira d, Caturatma d, Abhinanda d, Abhirama d, Omkara krsna d, Gandharva d, Ramacandra d.

Here Baladeva p emphasize the importance of focus of the conflict not on the person for this is neccesary seeing qualities not defects.

Both courses they were very import for spiritual development.just tired but renewed.

7.-It was established better comunication betwen Baladeva p and NIMSAR and Baladeva p and authorities of Chosica,wilson and devotees.

There is programs with him for next year.

Thank you very much for your mercy ans tips, Sri Nrsimhadeva protect you

with gratitude


ASA - Thank you very much. Now we are writing for the reaction of all of you to our suggestion for a letter to Caitanya Candra Das!