
8 years, 4 months ago by hps in Special Category B

Our greatest personal focus now is the writing project Prefaced below. We take this up with Radhika-ramana Das' assurance of help and of course all of you who read this now.
AGTSP!!!     paoho...

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A Multi-cultural View of Sankhya
(Science and Engineering in the Vedas)


Are your Top-hat and Tails straight?  Is your wife’s bouquet in bloom? We are going for a dinner party, both remembered and imagined and our host shall be Dr. T. D. Singh of the Bhaktivedanta Institute. We sat at such tables with such distinguished guests as Prof. Henry Stapp of the Livermore Laboratory; Dr. T. D. Singh, both Doctorate in Chemistry and traditional Bengali monk; Nobel Laureates Charles Townes; Sri John and Lady Eccles; Dalai Lama et al. Our aim is to build at least a little foot-bridge across the chasm that separates the cosmology, medicine, physics, psychology of the West from the East. Over this bridge we think that many valuable items like the rare perfumes and crystals goblets unique to China and Venice may pass, for the unprecedented benefit of our beleaguered modern world.

Who are these Monkeys in splendid livery who hold the door open to this enchanted carriage? Let us see how that is revealed as the different phases of the night progress, but at least let us say that scholarship in theology, Indology, electrical engineering, biology and psychology from Oxford, Berkeley and the far distant Calcutta University shall not be lacking.