LeavingBody? Doing Good?

8 years, 4 months ago by kalindidevi dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

08/27/16  Should have put all comments into one e-mail.  Feel Free to do so yourself so there is not much waste with 2 e-mails.

No.  Have done no good in this body.  Am incapable of that. Have desired to do good, that is true.  Rest is up to Radha-Krsna.  If there has been any good, They get full credit.

Haribol!  Kalindi Devi Dasi

HpS - You worshipped Radha Gopinatha. You tried to engage Grass Valley people is some Krsna conscuousness and others. ...    Lot of good. You are definitely going up and taking a lot of others with you.