Psychology and the Sacred Progress

8 years, 6 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

We sent the following letter to Beverely and Darrol with copies to Radhika and NGD:

Jaya Sri Krsna!

Esteemed Scholars, Friends et al,
We are first concerned that you are all well and in the best of spirits. We have not heard from Jungian Psychology in New York or Inter-faith Dialog out of Canada since we parted in Peru!  We wrote to Beverely and called once but have not heard. Any problems?

We have continued with our little efforts to illuminate the world while also being seduced to some degree by the forces of darkness in the form of too much nighttime orange juice and ice-cream.

Ramon continues with great enthusiasm in these educational lines we saw blossoming in Peru. With the new President and his newly appointed Minister of Culture, Ramon may continue as Director of the National Museum for another five years, but in any case he has already been directly invited by the new President to be his Director of the Bi-centennial events for the anniversary of Peru's liberation from Colonial, political, domination. Of course, the question of liberation from intellectual and cultural domination immediately  arises and to this extent he is very, very open to literary or other contributions from Indian or other perspectives that address this issue in very practical ways.

"Solaris" magazine is going out in Spanish and we are already expanding our dialog with Trans-personal Psychologists. We are quite advanced toward publishing the English edition. Our current strategy is to work toward a world-wide symposium in 2018 on "Art and the Sacred", and during 2017, smaller, effective dialogs with professionals in the area of "Psychology and the Sacred". "Solaris" would be the backbone of developing all this. Very personally we are starting to work very seriously on a book on "Sankhya", which is the whole cosmology of the Vedic wealth. We are enjoying the help of Alejandro, Miguel Polo  and Professor Ravi Gupta. We hope to do something very useful.

Our heath is pretty good for 68-years old. Our office/Ashram was invaded by sometimes mean spiders while we were gone, but we seem to be winning that war. Our religious institution, ISKCON, is growing. For example, receiving a robust personal letter of congratulations from the new Prime Minister of England, and of course, along with that facing new, very serious challenges that are complete different from the ones that it originally faced as a young evangelical movement (God's Marines).

What is your news?    We are based in Nashville until January 1st, then go for some Symposia and other work in India until third week of February. This October-November, we will be in a little tour of Chicago, Richmond, Raleigh and D.C. Any work we can do for you?  We would certainly like your help in this "Solaris" and other work!

Hanmatpresaka Swami
Prof. H. H. Robinson