
8 years, 4 months ago by sarita108 in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupad! All glories, all glories to you!

I saw the dates and so you will arrive in Richmond 11/2 and staying until the 16th, correct?

ASA - Yes...

We can plan for some college classes at local universities. At American University in DC, there is a retired professor who comes to the bhakti club meeting. I’m not sure how resourceful he would be but it could be a starting point? I can look into networking with more educators.

ASA - Yes, you can find the link for the Peru symposium by searching YouTube for "psychology and the sacred 2016". That is super-fine intro to the kind of stuff we are doing:
1. Science, Psyche and Spirituality - The Ecounter of Carl Jung with the Classical Mysticism (Bhagavata purana) of Ancient India

2. ISKCON - Ministry of Education - Join Nimai, Pariksit, Arjuna and the Goswami Academy in the new wave of Education with ISKCON.

I was hoping initiation would be during Kartik (last day is Nov 14th?) so maybe Nov 6th? Like you said earlier, “HpS - O.K!   Got the letter. Where can you find a priest and a fire and as many devotees as possible? Sunday Feast!!!” 

ASA - Slam, bang, dunk!  It's on the Calendar.  Look for a priest, some, wood and some ghee. We can actually be the priest if no one else turns up.  Here we go. The Golden Cadillac to Goloka!

Please let me know as you see fit. I will try my best to coordinate in a timely manner.

your aspiring servant, 


ASA - May all your law suits be profitable ones.