Hare Krishna from Bali

8 years, 5 months ago by keninbali in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Swamiji

AGTSP, PAMHO. I was wondering what are your upcoming travel plans. Many devotees from all over Bali are asking me to invite you to visit Bali. Devotees here want your association.

HpS - AGTSP paoho.  Good to hear from you Ken!   Hey, we are publishing it here in the Blog and in the Kapi Dhvaja.     If you turn the Filter to Calendar Development you can see all the relevant posts. Also, there is a Calendar link in the Kapi Dhvaja every fortnight.  Sikh and yee shall fined!

Not xt month I'm planning to order a set of Bhagavatam. Currently I listen to downlloaded lectures from Mayapur.

ASA - "Not xt" = ??

Last month during Rathayatra his holliness Kavicandra Swami asked me to try to do foo for life. So im trying to have a cart built for prasadam distribution that I can pull with my motorbike.

I'm thinkng to start by giving free lunches at a local government primary school.

Your servant,


HpS - Whatever you do regularly you will become expert at that, no? Prasadam and then Kirtan! How is the Abhimanyu Das?  Can you read at www.vedabase.com?  You can also download the pages, chapters from there little by little!  Become preacher on the same level and Narada Muni!