Traveling Raktak's Diary

8 years, 6 months ago by raktak in Special Category A

Guru-Lila (Part 5)

[HpS - ASA --- AGTSP!   Paoho.  Guru-lila or Animal Kirtan?]

In part 4, we talked about how guruji was engaged fully as usual in devotional service to Guru and Gauranga and it was Ekadashi and we were in Mumbai and it was on 19th March 2016.  Now let us take a next step and see what is happening on 20th March, Sunday:-

In the morning, we did Mangal Arti.  All the disciples of His Holiness Hanumat Preshak Swami Maharaj should understand this thing very clearly that he never misses mangal arti, it does not matter if there is no temple around, he would place a picture of Radha-Krishna, Prabhupad etc. on any elevated place and start singing sansar davanal in front of Them, if there is no musical instrument, that is also not a problem for him, he would use his lotta or kamandalu or his eating spoon to make some sweet sound and would start glorifying the Lord, well, Utility is the principle.

After Mangal Arti, we went to ISKCON Temple in Navi Mumbai, the suburb is called 'Khargar'. Big, beautiful temple, I was quite excited.  In the past, I have been to Mumbai with guruji  many years ago and we had visited Juhu and Chaupati temple and Mira Road temple, that time Khargar temple was not existing, so this was the first visit of guruji there and he gave Bhagvatam class there on 'Dhruv Maharaj returning Home' (4.9.9) and you know, the devotees there,  just loved it.  We also met Shriman Soor Das Prabhu, President of ISKCON Navi Mumbai. After the Bhagvatam Pravachan, We went to one very nice South Indian devotee's house and he fed us traditional prasad, so delicious, I wish I can get that prasad again.  After that, we came back to our base, packed-up and start traveling to Pune, Harsh Prabhu was driving us, only three of us, Guruji and Harsh and myself.

Photo 1-Guruji in Navi Mumbai temple

Photo 2 and 3-Guruji with Soor Das prabhu

Photo4-Guruji with South Indian devotee family

HpS - ASA - Aaaah!  We remember that. It is so nice when Krsna gives us one thing after another that we can do. Being engaged in any service is so nice.  Navi mumbai Temple is very nice and little frightening becaus so many culturally elevated people there, devotees of Krsna by birth. Learned Sanskrit in public school sometimes.  Will Raktak Ji recount what happened in Pune next???

Thank you for reminding us of this Sankirtan, mercy of Srila Prabhupada.