News from Mayapur

8 years, 7 months ago by Bhaktin Belen S. in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna maharaja, please accept my obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

By the mercy of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu I still here. Many things happened and still happening all the time but I can realise that I dont want to come back to this world. 

My father left his body 2 months ago, so please I beg you to pray for him. I just write this and it's like it had not really happened. I dont know. It was unexpected and still being difficult to digest when I think about it. I was in Argentina for one month. I had gotten the ticket and I've spent all the money for that and hoping see my father before he passed away but I was late. He left some hours before I arrived. Anyway I could see him for a while.  Then It was hard for me even to decide what to do whether staying in Mayapur or Argentina accompany my mother and sisters. But when I came back to Mayapur I decided that whatever I can do here even if they are not agree, is more powerful and helpful for them than coming back but I need to take advantage for being in the Dham. So now I'm working here in the Goshala by doing Visual Communication and in ISKCON Congregational Development Ministry as Video maker. I'm also translating books about Cows and Enviroment but I'm not sure If I will be able to continue with that service, because I don't have enough time to do everything although I would love to. 

So my mind is busy now and quiet. I started to work in a video to promote "Holy Jail" a book of HH Chandramauli Maharaja and I saw you in some pictures inside the book. So I wanted to ask you if you have videos or pictures from you preaching in jails that I can use. It would be very useful for me to make a good video. I can't believe that ISKCON is preaching in jails. I didn't know that. That's wonderful!

Please if you have any advise for me, let me know. Whatever. I don't know what else I can write you. Actually I can write a book about my life since I'm in Mayapur. Lol!

I miss Vrndavan a lot and  I have a very strong desire to come back but I just try to think that because there's no difference between Mayapur and Vrndavan I beg you to pray for me so One day I will be able to see Vrndavan here and everywhere! 

Thank you so much dear maharaja,

and please give me your blessings to come back to Godhead in this life and If it's not possible, give me your blessings to never turn away from Radha Krishna and his devotees and to develeop the greed to become a pure devotee of the Lord wherever it is that I'll be 

Hoping Lord Nrsimha protects you.

Trying to serve,

Syamasundari devi dasi.

HpS - AgtSP.

You took initiation from Mahatma Das?

We would also like to stay in Vrndavan, do something unique for Radha Krsna.

As long as we are chanting from our heart at the feet of Srila Prabhupada were are making progress out of illusion.

If an ISKCON devotee is thinking of us at our death then our future will be up in the greatest possible way.