Psych and Sacred, and Latin Armerican GBC

8 years, 5 months ago by hps in Special Category B


Esteemed Regional GBC Secretaries, friends and intelligent Enemies et al.
We received very encouraging letters from Swami Hanuman and Jayapataki Swami. Thank you so much.
After the 'Psychology and the Sacred' symposium, we had intense event like one day, week, after another in Cusco, La Paz, Cochabamba, Chosica and Lima.
Then without chance to lie down to rest for 34-hours we transited back to Houston with 5-hours in-transit it Mexico City, and then five day Bhakti-vaibhava Seminar in Houston followed by this super-intense, "Third Annual Norther American Symposium on Education with ISKCON", here in Houston.
All this stuff has been very intense and very productive.
This is 90% of the reason we have not answered Jayapataka Swami's letter yet and also because we wanted to get our Summary Video of the event up where you could see it. A picture is worth a thousand words [and since a video is 24-pictures per second it may be worth more].

Maharaja asked us some bio-data on the participants:
Dr. Ravi SIngh (Nitai gaurasundara Das). Our friend and many of you know him also in Tennessee for many years. He is Director of local psychiatric hospital, excellent devotee. President of our organization, NIOS (North American Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies). He was a leader in RSS in India in his youth but not so active in Indian politics after becoming ISKCON man. His brother is currently President of the Indian Lawyers Association etc.
Dr. Ravi Gupta (Radhika Ramana Das) - He spoke about 'Maps of the Mind'. Ramon said that 'he was pure gold'. Of course, he is very prominent in ISKCON and currently chair of department of religion at his university in Utah.
Ramon Mujica - Director of the National Peruvian Library. EXCELLENT Jungian and philosophical scholar. Great devotee of Santa Rosa of Lima. Great sense of humor. Family has been Ministers and founders of Museums for generations. Visited ISKCON center for three days in a row with his father when a youth.
Dr. Darrol Bryant - He is one of the most active and respected scholars in the area of interfaith dialog at this point. University of Ottawa. Our contacts in India were impressed he was coming.
Beverly Zabireskii - Co-founder of the Jungia Society of New York and the wonderful, powerful Philemon Foundation. They are editing and publishing so many unpublished works by Jung. Prabhupada said that of all the Western philosophers, Carl Jung seemed to have the most sense. She was also drama critic for the New York Times.
Cecilia Monterra - As we know, French sociologist. Married a Chilean businessman. Served as Director of Social Services for Chile. Became disgusted seeing people as statistics, so changed to spirituality and has now several books published by big presses. She said that she knows what is going on in South America and there was no even like this anywhere.

Om Bhakti - Our ISKCON Indian classical musicians from Chile. They have been on grants two times to study in India. One of the best I know in or outside of India. They 'Wowed' the Psych audience and also did 30-minutes at the Yoga day festival with 1,600 participants.
Sudip Chakravorty - He is Ambassador for India in Peru. He gave us help HELP H E L P.   He even paid the hotel stay for Om Bhakti. He was in ecstacy for the program and gave a relaxed, funny Inauguration address that was amazing.

Kalyan-kumar Chakravorty - He was Director of Primary Education for Uttar pradhesh (like 600,000 school kids) et al. We made a fanastic video clip of him while we were in India and it was played with subtitles. He has clear idea of global strategy. Also turns out he is very close friend of the Ambassador so they exchanged several phone calls about the event.

Eduardo Gastelemundi - President of Psychiatric Association. Father founder of one of the best universities of Peru and friend of Ramon since childhood. He organized a meeting with Beverly, HpS and NGD with the Freudian society.
Juan Vega - Director of Graduate Studies at best Jesuit University in Peru. His Director chastised him when he heard about the event that he had not arranged a daytime event on their campus while everyone was there. he did it and Radhika and Darroll went. Never had such serious and intelligent questions, Radhika said.
Bustamantes - Head of Buddhist Society. He said that Nirvana is not Voidism. It is more like concept of Brahman in Hinduism. Very practical answers to questions about suicide etc from audience.
Miguel Polo - Director of Philosophy at San Marcos University. The oldest university in South America. Big congress organizer. Lost becoming Dean by 5%. Very friendly, sharp, Buddhist ethics scholar.
Dolores Chaves (Lalita-gopi) - Senior Professor from second biggest university in Mexico. Gave incredilby informed presentation on meditation in the modern world. Director of the Ethics and Morality training program for her university.
Hector Behar - One of Che Gueverra's generals. Excellent thinker. On the United Nations Committee against hunger. One book a year. Teaching in six universities. on Radio constantly. UN estimate is that 1-million people a year commit suicide. That is more than all the deaths from all the wars in the world. Psychology is a very necessary science.
Some more but stop here.

They all said the next even should be Art and the Sacred and planned for 2018. Then we bring Mahaprabhu's show from Uraguay and art critics from around the world. Of course, psychology will fit in without effort.
We are just like passengers on the boat at this point
There is more, but that is a general principle of where this stands. These are ALL doing people with wonderful followers. It is like preaching to the four Kumaras.
The co-ordinatig back bone is the Journal. Solaris. It is in Spanish and God willing it will come out in English next and then the next issue will go into production. Planning annual now.
Please help us, direct us!
Thank you.