
8 years, 7 months ago by Janard1108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj,


The situation at the moment with regards to my harinam initiation scheduled for 20 July is as follows:

1. Mukunda Goswami has been kind enough to chant on my beads.

2. Govinda Caran Prabhu has agreed to conduct the initiation, but is not available on the 20 July (Australian time).

He is however able to do it on 19 July.

Would this be acceptable Maharaj?

3. I am finishing my final ISKCON test I believe this Friday 15 July.

4. I am still awaiting my letter of recommendation which I am expecting soon and will forward to you upon receipt.

Your servant,


HpS - Hare Krsna. Of course, this is an old letter. In the Vedic culture we get initiated from a pure devotee Grhasta in our village. That makes life easier.

But this is the modern world, so we all live 97.35% in cyberspace, no?

You can call us on the phone now, 209 505-3219, for critical administrative matters. Our respects to Mukunda Goswami.

You will have a lot of people chanting on your beads!!