hari bol !!!!

8 years, 4 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krsna maharaj, pamho, AGTSP,

all glories to your current austerities in south america.  I always find difficult to write you anything because of not been able to assist you directly.
 ANyway communications with you is what keeps us going. So here goes various updates/question

1. our thesis's main theme is test hypothesis that situation defines the variability of Personality- performance relationship.
2. can you tell us what do you look for sankirtana authority which you ask in every disciple report ?

HpS - Well, AGTSP, so, so nice to hear from us. You have given us so much help. We are eternally indebted to you and your family. ISKCON is a Sankirtan movement, so Sankirtan Leader may be Temple President, or Rama-giridhari Das of Goloka Education. Just try to find some practical way to help ISKCON. That can even mean corresponding with someone in the BBT.
3. we are happy that you are ready now to write paper on sankhya. ( may be you can use voice recognitio software when your eyes get tired ).

HpS - We have done some experiments and maybe will talk with Radhika a little more on strategy and then get your opinio also!!!
4. we are still struggling , but thinks are much better. its better to trust sabda praman then pratyaksa.
5. the people/systems of the world are moving to collectivism to indvidualism gradually. hence lot of problem are arising (finding from our studies on academic research on values).

HpS - Just talked with Srinivasa Das at Micron and he says that his first hand experience of even the Communications courses at the university and Micron may be very professional but the content is terrible.   This education symposium here has given us great hope that with your help ISKCON start giving practical advice about how to run the world.
6. we started reading Jaiva dharma (we sort of getting bored on reasing spirals of SP books).

HpS - Keep up the spiral reading as you can but most important thing is to taste the sugar tree wherever you can. It will dictate a systematic program for you.
7. we will write more , with more focus.

impersonal horse

HpS - Skype is working on our phone again!