Yogi Dogs

8 years, 6 months ago by sarita108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

I read your latest DTC and am concerned over your health and praying fervently that Krishna keeps your body (and mind) running smoothly for His work. You are such an amazing inspiration and example always. Supersoul speaks through you directly.

I went to a vegetarian festival down in Richmond this weekend and we sold over 700 books and meditation kits. We were selling Yogi Dogs (vegan Prasad hot dogs) and it went great.

HpS   -  Ahaaa . Dog Eaters for Krsna!

Lines all through the day. Everybody got a meditation kit with Prabhupads books and beads who purchased a hot dog. 

I just took my GRE a few days ago and it went well (the proctor saw car keys in my hands during the break and assumed I was up to something) so she made a note*. By note, if the testing company thinks I cheated, they will hold my scores and I would have to re-take the test (after 3 months of studying for it). I’m hoping it doesn’t affect the release of my scores. The ‘education’ system here is extremely frustrating.

Besides that, I am also in the process of buying a home (to help out my mother). It’s stressful but it is for Krishna and parents (first gurus right?). This isn’t something I thought I’d do a year after graduating college but I am letting Supersoul guide me. It will be utilized in the service of devotees. 

 Please send blessings that I may be of service to you and Srila Prabhupad and keep Krishna in the center always.  Maybe a prayer that I can gain control over my emotions and mind. 

Personally, I have moments where I get mad ---not at Krishna, but just in general and that tends to spill into other parts of my service. How do I keep calm and gain better control over my actions?

HpS - NOI 1. Anger comes from frustrated desires.   What is it that you want that is not happening and that is making you angry?   Is it good anger?

I look forward to hearing from and wish you the very best in South America. Can’t wait for you to be back!

Jai Nitai-Gauranga!

Your attempting to be servant,


HpS - Sounds good!    Why does Krsna make you look bad in your GRE test?  Hmmm????   Thank you so, so, so much for your efforts and austerities. In our opinion you are the top 5% of people on the planet in terms of personal sacrifice for others.