Part 2: (the skinny version)

8 years, 8 months ago by Bhakta Eric in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaj

Please accept my humble obeisances all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Even before I came to ISKCON I realized that the principle of spiritual advancement is sacrifice. I never had a whole lot of money or fame or opulence but I had something I loved more than life itself. I realized that art would have to be my sacrifice for Krishna. But I'm in pain. I see no reason to give that up forever, if I can use it in Krishna's service. But I'm full of religious guilt because nobody appreciates what I do. I've had to fight my whole life to justify my existence to the world. It literally almost killed me. This feeling of worthlessness is not new by any means. But I'm good at what I do, and I think I could do it in a way that would be beneficial for me, for the public, and for the movement. It's not like I'm into big game hunting or carjacking. For God's sake I'm an artist. Why not give me a chance?

Your servant,

Ekāśma Das
ISKCON, New Dwaraka 3764 Watseka Av.
Los Angeles, Ca, 90034

HpS - Hare Krsna.   We are doing four hours of intense lecturing a day here in Peru, day after day to intense audiences, then two hours of personal consultations. It is too intense. We have to minimize or die, or get deeper source of energy. Using this Blog is wonderful. We hear that six more people will take advantange of this letter.

1. Hare Krsna. Paoho.

2. Hare Rama, Paoho.

3. We answered the more "robust" version and it was nice. This version is very, very nice also but it is like both are needed. Kardama Muni was intense devotee but was still attached to material life. That was fine with Lord Visnu. He arranged a nice material experience for him that allowed him to see that his real love was Krsna.
Arjuna showed face of person attached to his type of service,  Karma-yoga, and Krsna denied him to go to higher yoga by jumping over. Quickest way to to Goloka is through Ayodhya.

We recomnend Karma yoga for those on that platform. (Like us).

4. If the drive to do art is very intense, then it is probably not Karma yoga,, but Bhakti yoga through our Karma (which is what Arjuna really is. He just acts like a Karma yogi for our benefit.).

5. Be social about your Karma/Bhakti-yoga. Have friends. Dovetail with the administratiive, institutional aspect of yoga.
