
8 years, 6 months ago by hps in Special Category B

Hare Krsna!   Hare Rama!

We hear a lot about divorce, no?      Well, we should be cautious enough not to get married before we have made some practical decisions about our marriage partners. Get the opinion of six good (devotee) people about the match before you get hitched.

Then, don't take your marriage as your soul-partner. God is your lover, not your wife. Your wife (your husband) is like your automobile. You will use it for some time but in the end it will go its own way. Divorce creates a chaos for the kids and everyone. So better to just accept the kind of auto you have and adust. Rainy days can be just as productive as sunny ones.

If you really are crazy (we were) then you may get married for a second time. Yeah, this is not permitted, but it goes on everywhere, so why not be civilized about it. Get a legal divorce with your first wife and a sane economic settlement, and make it clear that you are not getting divorced. You love here as much as ever and maybe she sees the situation and even picks out your second wife.
Marry the second, the two ladies don't talk for one year and then they become the best of friends and gang-up on you to get their way and you visit both homes and both kids.

Do you want our advice in these matters?
Then you have to keep us informed. We can't do much if we hear after seven years that you have been having problems and now they are exploding. We need to be involved in small regular dialogs, other wise we can't jump in when things have built up to a catastrophy and make a magical solution.

We love you very much and want to be of service.   Talk to us in the Blog.