a new hand

8 years, 8 months ago by trivikrama das in Personal Sadhana Reports

 All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! Please accept my humble obeisances.

Dear Gurudeva

its me Trivikrama das i am much better from my fracture  but still can't make any service in fact i have not cook for the Sri goura nitai either , but i had the chance to help in other areas. Recently finish the disciple course ,now we are waiting the result of the evaluation , it was very inspiring i felt that studying or training myself as a devotee make me a better disciple for you ,i want to find the way to study Bhakti sastri i am a donkey and the virtual classes makes it hard for me so i would try to accomplish.

i still have my plans for kartik 2017 to go to India but always and only if i got your blessings

 i chant 16 rounds and follow the 4 principles

this is my report

your eternal servant Trivikrama das

HpS - Very nice. How is your family? Can you go to India with some experienced devotees. Use your tongue. Out is not broken. Ha. Ha. Hare!